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来源:链博会官网 类型:转载 分类:其它

2023-10-06 15:11



举办时间:2023.11.28 -12.2
















 首届链博会将以“ 链接世界,共创未来” 为主题,打造一个重点行业上中下游融通、大中小企业链接、 产学研用协同、中外企业互动的开放型国际合作平台,积极维护全球产业链供应链稳定。

 首届链博会以“共建、共促、共享” 为原则,设置智能汽车链、绿色农业链、清洁能源链、数字科技链、健康生活链等5大链条和供应链服务展区,展示各产业链上中下游先进技术、产品以及银行、保险、贸易咨询、商事法律、文化教育、创新设计等供应链服务,打造集贸易促进、投资合作、创新积聚、学习交流等功能于一体的高端平台。





















China International Supply Chain Expo
2023.11.28 -12.2

China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Venue), Beijing


China Council for the Promotion of International Trade


China International Exhibition Center Group Limited


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

World Health Organization (WHO)

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)


The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. Economic globalization is facing counter-currents. The global economy is yet to fully recover from the aftermath of Covid-19. As the global industrial and supply chains are being reconstructed at a faster pace, countries are placing greater priority on the stability of industrial and supply chains.

The industrial and supply chains connect economies and link up the global flows of capital, industries, and technologies. Building a stable, secure, and smooth global industrial and supply chain system represents the common aspiration of global businesses and the shared responsibility of the international community.

To host an expo with the theme of global supply chains is a groundbreaking job. As a testimony to China's sincerity and readiness to greater opening up and its responsibility as a major country, CISCE will provide countries with new opportunities to expand economic and trade cooperation with China and a new platform to trade and share business opportunities with one another. It will also promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, advance orderly and efficient industrial synergy across countries, and drive forward global economic recovery and growth as well as economic globalization.


The theme of first CISCE is Connecting the World for a Shared Future. Different than traditional expos, it is an open international platform which integrates the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, connects small, medium, and large enterprises and promotes collaboration between industry, academia, research, and facilitates interactions between Chinese and foreign enterprises. It is also an international public product China offers to the world.

In the spirit of Joint Contribution, Extensive Promotion, and Shared Benefits, the first CISCE aims to provide a new, high-end platform for enterprises to expand trade and investment cooperation, pool together innovation, and learn from each other.

Leading players will be invited to showcase their latest achievements in scientific research, technology, equipment, applications, etc., as well as development trends.

Supply Chains

Smart Vehicle

Green Agriculture

Clean Energy

Digital Technology

Healthy Life

Exhibition Area

Supply Chain Service

One Summit

The Global Supply Chain Innovation and Development Summit.

Five Themed Sub-forums

Each focusing on one of the five major chains, Smart Vehicle, Green Agriculture, Clean Energy, Healthy Life and Digital Technology.

One Flagship Report

The Global Supply Chain Promotion Report.

Side Events

Investment and financing salons, policy interpretation seminars, technical seminars, new product releases, matchmaking and business signing ceremonies, etc.

Registration Links

Exhibitor: https://en.cisce.org.cn/exhibition/exhibitor.html

Media: https://en.cisce.org.cn/exhibition/media.html

Visitor: https://service.ciec.com.cn/ciec_sw/modules/register/preRegm/92232/WEB/en/n